How much pollution is caused by transportation a day in the world? The transportation sector generates the largest share of greenhouse emissions. This contributes to global warming. The black fumes that come out of the car’s exhaust contribute to smog and respiratory problems. In this lieu, what comes as a great solution to fight against pollution? There is an impending competition that is going to happen between fossil fuels and non-pollutant natural energy resources. Now, what all can substitute these fossil fuels. Solar, wind, and biofuels are capable of replacing oil energy resources.
Ethical alternatives for fossil fuels
The rise of global temperature and the change of nature has made us think about new solutions that could help things turn around.
1.Solar power-The solar-powered vehicles have panels to convert electrical power to fuel the cars. They are eco-friendly and environmentally friendly and can fuel the car without harmful emissions. There are solar-powered planes, trains, and cars which rely on solar panels to generate electricity. Scientists are trying to harness the power of the sun to power each mode of transportation. Are they close to success? It’s been a while since people started using solar-powered vehicles and electric vehicles. A fusion of this is what we want.
2.Natural Gas-CNG has been widely used in transportation. CNG is chemically the same as natural gas but made from biowaste. This reduces pollution in two ways, it eliminates pollution and helps in waste disposal efficiently. The functions of the engine in CNG vehicle is same as that of gasoline vehicles. For vehicles that travel long distances, CNG is a good option as it is more economical than normal fuel. These vehicles can reduce noise by 50 % compared to other vehicles. Besides energy conservation, CNG creates more jobs in this sector. CNG produces far fewer CO2 and makes the fuel more environment-friendly.
3.Hydrogen cell batteries-Another alternative for fossil fuel is FCEV or Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle. Hydrogen or oxygen generates electrical energy. This energy is directed into the electrical motor or the battery for needs. The result of the process is only electrical energy, heat, and water. So these vehicles are emission-free. It charges quickly and produces no much noise. They can be refilled faster than conventional sources. And almost in near future people are going to own and drive gasoline as easily as gasoline vehicles. Other than the cost involved in the production and handling of hydrogen, these are economical.
So the good news is that these ethical energy-powered vehicles are more efficient in energy conservation and a clean environment. Another advantage is that it can be charged at home, while you work and when you are in leisure. Innovations in this space will continue and in no time. The widespread skepticism that these cars are too expensive and charging them is complex makes people hesitate from buying this. To move these concerns and to make these vehicles ubiquitous, great awareness is needed. Government should come up with new alternative fuel rules. As environmental concerns and energy crises grow, there should be a change at the macro level to benefit from this.